Saturday, 27 August 2011


These days are numbered
Things are getting worst
The world is turning around
People! Look around
And fix things right
For tonight is the last chance
For your prayer to be heard
Told you once already
That these days are numbered
And the old things are becoming the new
Behold I say onto you
That the Lord's Kingdom is at hand
His judgment is up next
There shall be no partiality
As all shall be judged accordingly
These are the days of King David
Proclaiming the Revelations
Those with hearing ears
Should listen and take action
And those with looking eyes
Should look and move along
For the end time is near
This world shall soon be no more
And there shall be another and new one
To replace the fading one
Yes! this is the Armageddon
Dividing the world into two
Hell and Heaven
Where do you belong?
Make the way now
Before it's too late

What Do We Do?

What do we do?
When it's getting hard and harder?
And we getting downward
What do we do?
When failure persists?
That we have no reason to smile
What do we do?
When we are discouraged
And frustrations making our days
What do we do?
When we feel it's impossible
And our last hopes are lost
What do we do?
When we are lost in thought
Because our chances are fading
What do do?
When life seems unfair
That only death seems the solution
Tell me what to do!
If I think I can't take it no more
OR that it just impossible
What should I do?
When I think the time is right for me
And that I can make it better now
Yes! This is what I will do!
To write for you to read
When I see you need the solution
I know we can make it.
Tell me in your opinion
What is to be done
If at all
Things must be done right.
I hope to hear from you soon.
What do we do?

Good Night

During the day
Together we does things
But when the night falls
You are you and I am me
Goodnight is the last word
We always says
When it's time for bed
We dies every night
And rises everyday
Because we says
Goodnight my friend
May you have a sound sleep
Hope is in the next day to come
And so keep trying
In the night,
While we are far asleep
What our enemies does
We don't know
Yet! We hope in the best
And so we say to each other

A Day

There is a day coming
When we have got to face the truth
No matter what we do
That is the judgment day
There is day coming
When the new things
Shall be turn to the old ones
And nothing will be the same
Yes! There is a day coming
When your dreams and goals
Shall all come to pass
And you shall be forever happy
There is another day to come
That will make us forget about today
And focus on our aims
Till we hit the top
I know of a day ahead
Full of dreams and hopes
In this day, the children trust
Did I told you of a day to come
When the world shall be freed
From mental slavery
And hope in the best
I also hope to see a day
When my troubles and miseries
Shall be turn to my testimonies
And in Jah house
Forever I dwell

At Last

It was an ambition
He always want to be
A fighter in the army
A fighter for the people
A warrior for peace
And a defender of freedom
So he kept the effort
Struggling on the battle field
With a vow never to give up
Though it seems discouraging
The hope is
To keep striking through
Till it hits to the target
So he worked it
And he achieved it
I am proud of him
Yanker Wonder Jackson

Yes! At Last
The battle has ended
And brethren Wonder Yanker
Rising out of the getho
Is now a SOLDIER
In the army of Jah
So tough and horrible
Confusing and devastating
The training seemed
But still! The passion was there
And day in day out
It keeps growing and glowing
Like the bright morning star
My man Bullet as known
Is a fighter and defender for right
At Last

Yanker Wonder Jackson

All dreams must come to pass
When the doors are built
To be a man
You must work for it
Wonder my brother deed
And today
He is a soldier
Of whom I am so proud
Yes! At Last

He made it as he wished to
Hey man! Shanny Rasta
As I used to call Him
Keep hold of the strive
Till there is no more way to vibrate

Dedicated To.....Wonder Jackson Yankah


Please forgive me
I know I did wronged you
But just take heart
For I never mean to hurt you
I was just trying to make things right
Before it happened this way
I never thought of it this way
But then, it already happened
And the past can never be changed
Unlike the future yet to come
So just accept my apology
And lets live as before
And my promise is
To live and not wronging you again
Though many people can't say thank you
Or even please forgive me
I am making it a point
To change the notion this time around
Learning and teaching
How to say please
Thank you or you are welcome
And forgive me
For with this
I hope the world shall always be turning
As the love we need to share
The courage we need to instill
All can be found here
What you asked for
You should be given
And what you do
You should pay the price for
So ask for forgiveness
And render soft and real apology
This is the best so far
For even the King of kings
Will forgive you if you ask
Apology is the anti-dote
For hatred and the other

Do You Know?

Do you know?
Who made the sea?
And who made the trees?
Who made the sun?
And who made the moon?
Who made the earth?
And who made the waters?
Do you know?
Who made the air?
And who made your hair?
I want to know!
Who is the greatest
The Wright Brothers invented the plain
But who invented the sky?
Brother Noah invented the first ship
Do you know who invented the sea?
Ferdinand Verbiest invented the first ever car
And who made the land?
Do you know He is the King of kings?
And the Lord of lords?
Do you know only Him can give life?
And that we must give him thanks and praises?
Do you know?

My Life

I am the one you won't love The one you'd rather despise
Because I wont accept your advances
I does things to please no one
I am the Lion that is Humble
I know myself
And I believe in myself

I want to please but only God
For pleasing man
I will conflict with god
I hate to be loved
For what am not
Rather than to be hated
For what am not
I appreciate it when you love me
For who I am
But you hurts me a lot
When you hate me for what am not

I am that I am
The one that loves to keep things for me
I talks little
But listens more and even more
This is the advice given me
By my dear and lovely mother
This is me
Talking about myself
So if you have ears to listen?
And some eyes to see?
Then you better do that now!

This is about myself
There is more to say but later

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Be Grateful

Be grateful to your God
Even if things seem hard
Just be content and satisfied
For He knows what He is doing
Better must come
But be faithful in troubles
Be grateful to Him
And you shall be happy
When you are shown love?
Do more than likewise
And when you are severely hurt
Just give it to God
For so He does to us
So that we may do same to others
And so be grateful
In all things and all ways

My Poems

Hope, love, peace and togetherness
Lies in the belly of my poems
This is my weapon
With which I fights down wickedness
Guns and bombs
Are outmoded in my favor
So come on my people
Lets stop fighting with no reason
Stop spelling insults out of hatred
And join me in writing some poems
Which will teach the world
The right from the wrong
Which will encourage the world
That there is hope ahead
Which will console the world
That all things shall be right
And which will inform the world
That things are changing
With my poems
You see am a conqueror
A king
And a lion in Zion
This is my poem


I am the messenger
With the message of peace
Love and togetherness
If you have ears
Then listen to me
For this is but once
I am the messenger of God
You can call me the preacher
Love me or mock me
But the message
I shall always deliver
Because I am the messenger

Take Heart

Just take heart my dear
For it happens how it happened
Life is really meaningless
When you look at things of today
And recall the things of yesterday
You may feel bad living
But just hold heart
And give all to God
For HE knows best

Let not the present control you
As for your past
You can never separate from
So just take it for granted
And hope in the best for the future
This is how I feels
That all things are possible
Even if setbacks persist
And troubles increase
Just take heart
And hope it shall be all right

What is your problem?
Just take heart
Never take it outside
Or others know and hear of you
Keep it for yourself
And your God shall prove things right
I believe and hope in this
So just take heart and stand still
For with this
You can really make itTake Heart

Gone IS Tomorrow

Somethings can never be changed
Things like the past
The beginning
And the other you could think about

The days are unpredictable
And things shall never remain the same
Revolution must come
But for the better we hope

Today is the most valuable of all the days
It is more than yesterday
And tomorrow can never be compared
Yes! Gone is tomorrow

If you have a task to execute
Wait no longer
For the days are numbered
And time plus tide shall never wait for any man


I am far better than what you think
I am who you wont appreciate
The one you'd despise
But I beg you not to maltreat me
Else, I attacks like the Lion
Call me Mr. Slow but I am very sure

I uses words instead
Of the guns and bombs you uses
I am meek but not weak
Humble like the Dove
And attack like the Lion
So call me Humble Lion
Humility is my way
And fearlessness is my virtue
Be Humble in all means
And Jah shall prevail Mercy


I am the King
That rules this kingdom
You can make it
But not without me
For I am constant
So longing
Very dependable
Sometimes so disappointing
And yet, very indispensable 
Yes! I am LIFE
And I am Indispensable
Though so confusing
And sometimes hopeless
You need bear with me
For I am never dispensable

The Call

The night is very dark
And it seems all are gone for bed
But here I am
Staggering about in the spotlight
Willing to get a support
Which comes but from only Him

Who? They ask.....
My God I said....
In whom my spirit delights
And in whose presence I am safe
He is the Lord of lords
The King of kings
And He rules but forever

Speak onto them I heard from far
Speak about the truth
Speak about love
Talk about peace
And never forget righteousness
Just speak again says the voice
When I ask about it
I was told it's a call from Above

He is great
The most powerful
And he is the living God
Who wont left alone His owns
Just do what is right
And the work is done well

Sense Of Humor

In the life I am living
There is so much that am always loving
Friends, enemies and siblings
Just like the soil loves the seedlings

Feeling for the poor
Willing to open the door
That's my first impression
With but no single oppression

How I feels for the sick
And cares for them by a click
Oh! this is the only amour
Yes! The sense of humor

My passion is for words
Sounding melodiously like the birds
Working for revolution
Yes! That's my passion

Oh Life!

How, how could life be so unfair to me
Hatred. War and sufferings
Sudden death and disastrous destruction
Oh! It's a pity
How hopeless and helpless it seems
No freedom nor justice anywhere
How I wish it's other way round

Black Berry

In the year 1999,
A smart phone devices was developed
By Research In Motion far in Canada.
With the ability to receive and send
Internet-email wherever mobile network covers.
The users uses it as a portable media player
And they said,
It's a personal digital assistance.
Apart from Nokia, Samsung, LG and Apple,
Black Berry is the next most popular device manufacturer
Do you have one?
I have never used one in my life
But then, I am looking forward for a day
I shall hold in my hand,
The Torch 9800 for my moves....
Black Berry serves 91 countries
With quality internet service
With the simple aid of about 500
Mobile service operators worldwide
Applying various mobile technologies.
I love the phone to the maximum
And just can't wait to own mine....
Be kind and lovely enough
To try and send me one of it's models....
And I shall never stop hailing your name

The Savior

He is the King of kings
The Lord of lords
And the conquering lion
In the whole wide world
Here on earth
And up there in Zion
There is none to be compared to Him
Be it in knowledge
Power over life
Righteous as expected
And any other you could think about
He is the savior
And the healer
He is the coming King
With the everlasting glory
Come look to Him
With your troubles
And affiliation
For He cares for you
And died to save us
Give thanks onto Him
And believe in Him
Though you never know Him
Just have faith in Him
For He is the Savior

He Will

Just be faithful to HIM
He is the supreme GOD
The omniscience GOD
The loving GOD
And the merciful GOD

Let them rise to raid
But never be afraid
For He Will be there with you
And they shall achieve vanity

Don't be terrified
Or be discouraged
For He cares and He Will

Always be there for you
Yes! I know He Will
For the Psalms proclaimed it
And the things in nature also did likewise

So just be hopeful for He Will
He is the King of kings
The Lord of lords
And the conquering lion
Of the tribe of Judah

Two Things I Know

I know but just two things
Good and bad
Light and darkness
Love and hatred
Peace and war
Presence and absence
Leaders and followers
Life and death
The truth and lie
The weak and the strong

Another two things I know is
Heaven and earth
Enslavement and liberty
Lost and found
Friends and enemies
Yes and no
Dos and don't
Ups and downs
Rich and poor
Here and there

Do you know of these twos?
Man and woman
Adult and child
Disappointment and hope
Failure and success
Kindness and wickedness
Now and later
The wise and the foolish
Me and you
Do you know of them?

Okay, lets think of these
Today and tomorrow
I will and I can't
Fast and slow
Forward and backward
Joy and sorrow
Give and take
God and man
These two things I know
To make up the world and the life in it

More To Say

Though am seating here today
As if I have got nothing to say
Or something to do
I am assuring you
That my time shall come
When I will make it known
What has long been hidden
From the wise and the prudent
And being revealed to the babies and the sucklings

There's more to say
About the way we live
About how you treated me
And about how to make things right
All I ask is
You promise me from your heart
Never to let me down in anyway
But to hold me still
Even if should have wronged you
Tell me more if you wish
For I know there's more to say

I wish to and will say it
But I desire to wait for a while
As I know it's not too late
To cause this revolution
My mind is turning like a spine
And am wondering about right and wrong
How to change the notion
As I move like a train in motion
There's more to say
But the right time is also yet to be due

When You Are Ready

Just give me a call
When you think you are ready
But mind you
That time and tides waits no man

Yes! I am calling you
For I know am ready
Ready to try and see
As I hope but in the victory

Come on
How long shall you be there?
Or can't you see?
Your friends struggling to head it all?

Are you ready?
For checking, I saw but less more time
Whatever you wish to do
Do it with time effect

I am ready for the battle
Though am without gun
Get your waist girded
As a soldier ready for war

When you are ready
I shall take you through
But remember, it's almost late
And the call is for right now

The Book

Hello friends,
Please just let me your ears
As I have something to tell you.
This is about The Book.
Some call it The Bible.
Sometimes they say
The Holy Bible.
But I enjoys calling it The Book.
This Book is the guide to my feet.
And the light to my path.
Everywhere I go, it's with me.
Because it's my feed for hunger.
Originally coming from above.
This my old woman use to tell me.
That it's the key to life.
Time may surely come to pass.
Heroes maybe slashed and killed.
Even so, Jah Shall be there for us.
Who trust in the Book.
In which is found the basic information.
Needed to live right on earth.

Life Is How You Make It

Everyone is for himself.
But God is for us all.

So live your life the way you please.
As you shall be accountable to the outcome.

Life is how you make it.
But not how others track it.

It is how hard the battle gets,
That determines how glorious be the trumpet.

Take it from me today.
That life is how you make it.

You can be the one you want to be.
But it needs more effort to reach the height.


I really envy those who have friends.
Who are always delighted in their company.
As in times of loneliness,
They have someone to talk to.
Unlike me,
Who is without a friend.
That I might call onto when I need someone.
But am rather always alone.
Oh! How I wish I have a friend.

Friendless is a disease.
As friends are made to be there.
In times of troubles and difficulties.
Friends are comforters.
And they cares about each other.
It's not friendly to be fighting.
Oh! Why am I friendless?
That I does everything always alone.
Ahh! It hurts a lot to be friendless.

I need but a friend.
With whom I may share my life story.
A friend who will care about me.
And who will always be there for me.
In times of circumstances.
Where are they,
Whom I can make friend with?
I need a friend from everywhere.
As long as life is concern.
I can no longer bear the itch of being friendless.

Mother Ghana

Ghana is the land of PEACE

Mother Ghana!
You are very great and strong.
A country of peace is you.
You are so kind and friendly,
That your neighbors love you.
Mother Ghana!
Your leaders are brave like warriors.
And your children are always hopeful.
This made your mother Africa very proud of you.

Mother Ghana!
You are my only mother land.
In whom I lay my trust.
Though the leaders are hopeless.
I promised to always hold you high in esteem.
Your flag, the colors and your symbols,
I shall never let down.
Mother Ghana my beloved country.
Your name, I shall always hail high.
I love you Mother Ghana.
And to your services,
I pledge my whole life.
Ah! Mother Ghana, you are blessed.

Mother Ghana!
How fruitful you are.
That your green lands are always alive.
Your riches are inexhaustible.
As the minerals are there in your belly.
You made us very proud of you.
Mother Ghana! I always believe in you.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011


Prayer is my weapon.
And my link to the Lord.
It is prayer that leads me beside the still waters.
With prayer, am a conqueror. 
I prays in the evening.
And prays in the afternoon.
In times of troubles, prayer is my deliverer.
And it's the light to my world.
And the guide to my trod in life.

Sing praises and pray ceaselessly.
Praying everyday will make you stand out.
Like the tower in Babel.
Prayer is a horrible terror.
That terrifies the terrible terrors.
Deep dark in the night when fears rise,
Prayer is the weapon for the fight.
So pray and pray always.
For prayer is the key.

The Way Forward

Anyway, now I know.                                             
That who warns me is my lover.                         
And my destiny, I can never rule.                               
My ways are good in my own eyes.                               
But then, where are we heading to now?                 
I wish I know the way the forward.                         
Just to stand still and taller.                                             
Now that dreams and hopes seem to sink.         
And feet keep stumbling,                                       
Oh! How long shall it last?                                     
The sufferings of the children.                                 
Makes me want to know the way forward.       
But just recently,                                                                   
I learned a lesson.                                                       
That what has happened, has happened before.                                                                   
And what has happened before, happens again.                                                                 
Now I know, we are the wisdom of the nation.                                                                   
And we are the way forward.

Who Is Who

Who is there to say no?
When God says yes?
Enemies are not God.
And so, can't determine your destiny.

Be strong and never let down your hope.
For you can if you really want.
But you need to try more harder.
And the works shall be done.

I know they don't want to see me prosper.
But I know my Lord is in my favor.
And so I need but to just forget about them.
Who wish but only my downfall.

Who is who?
Everyone is for himself.
As God is for us all.
So we just keep the fate.

Stop counting on your weakness.
And focus on winning the race.
For you surely shall be there.
That's if you work hard and harder.

For who is who,
No one knows but only God.
Tomorrow is unknown.
And so, live but rightly.


Didn’t want to talk about it.                                                 
But it kept running bit by bit.                                               
That I have got to reveal the secrete.                                   
Long hidden from the district.                                                 
So we were changing the notion.                                                   
Just to achieve this revolution.

Rasta! Rastaman!! Rastafarid I!!!                                       
So say it’s a religion in the mid.                                               
But we say, it’s just a way of life                                             
We separate without segregating.                                       
And we live without contemplating.
Who is a Rastaman must also be a Nazarian.                     
And no razor on the head of the Rastaman.                         

He grows the hair and calls it dreadlocks.                         
And in his long hairs, he finds all his unlocks.                         
I always blame the society for oppressing the Rastaman. 
Because I see only him to be the right man.
It’s the desire intention of your mind.                                 
That makes the binds.                                                           

Dreadlocks may characterize you.                                   
But it can never chastise you.                                               
So live focusing on life’s spheres.                                         
For you is one of Jah’s dears.
The Rastaman knows himself.                                                   
But he don’t always keep all to self.                                         

And what he practices is what he preach.                               
For Zion, he hoped to surely reach.                                     
Hail to the King of kings.                                                                       
Rastafarid the creator of all beings.
The Rastaman is very simple.                                             
That’s why he always unites his people.                               

The Rastaman is a peace fighter.                                     
That tries to make life brighter.                                       
Freedom fighting is the work of the Rastaman.               
And so, he always liberates his countrymen.

Be Kind

I met him but just recently.                                                     
His name is Ellis.                                                                 
And he is a man of kind gesture.                                           
He is always a self somebody.                                           
Having but lovely feelings.                                               
Willing but to be kind.                                                               
He has unlocked my restrictions.                                     
Opening the doors for my stepping.                                               
I really appreciated his act of kindness.                                 
In return,                                                                                   
Ellis, obtain blessings from above.

May your days be full of joy,                                             
Mercy for your life,                                                                 
And forgiveness for your trespasses.                                     
Be kind as you always are.                                                   
And your  blessings shall run over.                                         
Blessed always is the hand that gives.                               
Than the one that take.                                                           
I am glad to be generous in a way possible.                                                         
That I gives when I have.                                                       
Give, give and give all your life.                                             
As for me, I shall follow,                                                       
The steps of Father Ellis.                                                         
Who gives and gives always.

Be kind to your people.                                                         
Love and share with them.                                                       
To be kind is a blessing.                                                           
But to lack is not a curse.                                                         
So you just work more harder.                                           
As I am doing at the moment.                                               
And we shall surely be like him.                                           
Who bought me a free Gold Membership,                           
For a whole year, something I couldn’t afford.               
What a kind act of humanity!                                       
Kindness is a thing only few can boast of.                       
Father Ellis is one of these people.

It’s good to be kind.                                                                   
And it’s kind to be minded.   
Be kind to whomever that you can.                                                   
Be kind in every situation that you can.                               
Be kind in anyway you can.                                                   
Be kind at anytime that you can.                                             
But above all,                                                                             
Be kind like Father Ellis.   

(To my friend Ellis)


Life is a journey.                                                     
And it’s of two ways they say.                                       
One very narrow.                                           
With few people plying it.
The other very wide With many people plying it.                                             
Now, what does it mean?                                   
What is so special about life?                           
Where do I go from here?                                   
Yes! Am talking about my destiny.

I believe in predestination.                                 
But then, can I rule my destiny?                             
Here on earth,                                                   
Where the multitude have gone astray.         
Not knowing where they are heading to. 
Some say heaven is after earth.                         
Some say it is the same place.                     
And that it will be called paradise.             
But still, I want to know my destiny.                 
To know where I will go from here.   

The poor man’s only problem is Poverty. 
The rich man’s only solution is riches.               
But then, can  this really be the answer?       
As for the soul,                                             
Vanity is it’s destruction.                                     
And I wish to know.                                                   
If heaven is my destiny.                                     
But as for hell,                                                     
I have long parted company with.

Where am I destined to be?                                   
I want to be good and not bad.                           
Kind and not otherwise.                                       
For I am living learning.                                       
The course of my destiny.                                     
Trying to see if I can rule it my own way.   
Yes! My destiny lies in my own hands.                       
So says the teachings of the Book.                         
And now I know.                                                     
My destiny is how I made it.                             
Rather than how someone may decide it.

Who The Cap Fit

Too many people are dying.                           
But still, we are to keep the struggle.     
Some maybe craven for positions.                   
But only the Lord knows their destinations.         
For what the day holds, no one knows.             
How much more the future?                             
Who Jah bless, one can curse.                   
Who the cap fit, let them wear it.                   
Brother Robert Nesta Marley said it.                   
So just give to Mr. Caesar.                                                 
That which is due to Brother Caesar.     
What good have I done?                                 
That I succeeded stepping onto others?

Hard work is the basic key.                             
That opens the way to the top.             
Though political affirmations may persist,   
The winners shall always be the winners.           
Race! Race and race your life.                         
Surely, you shall reach your height.   
Everybody can’t wear the crown.                     
That’s why we have the royals.                       
It what you have sowed yesterday,               
That you are reaping today.                                       
And it’s what you will sow today,                     
That you will reap tomorrow.   

Lets cut our coats according to our sizes.     
For that’s what we deserve.                             
Never strive to wear every crown.               
For crown will never seem to fit you.                       
You, just wait for your turn.                                             
As your chance surely must come.                   
What it takes is hope and fate.                   
Honesty, hard-work and time.                       
For you to wear the crown.                                 
Yes! The cup must fit whoever that wears it. 
So leave the cap for those that it fit.

Education 2

They claimed it is the key.
Yes! Education is the key.
But what do we see in this time?
Education in ti's deteriorated form.
You school and never ends
To go further, you need more bribes.
As it's who you know that makes it possible.
For you to reach the heights you are aiming at.
Some can't pay their college fees,
Let alone, the needed bribes.
So they have it satisfied.
Even if there isn't any furtherance.

Education! Education is making the wise.
And is also the result for the increase in vises.
Some go to higher schools.
Yet! They return home as the London fools.

Education is the slavery of the time.
Until you die,
Education is what you will have to do.
So now I ask,
What is education?

Restless Mind

Oh! What a misery,
That I have got but only a wondering mind.
Yet still, my dream is to be famous.

It really hurts a lot.
Recalling those past memories I have got.
Today that tabled has turned upside down.

She left me.
And she did that without a word for me.
Now, I can't even make up my mind for a task.

Ah! How she has been hoping.
Giving me courage to groove on always.
So as to mind her in her old ages.

But today here I am living.
Doing it all without her in anyway.
Oh! Mama, you are always on my mind.

That I have got a restless mind.
For losing what I can never recover.
Mama! May your journey home be peaceful.

I can see how much you suffered Mama!
Struggling to make us who we are today.
You should have live to enjoy the bread of your labor.

How can I make up a mind.
Now that I am severely stroked by this disease.
A man say, it's called the Restless Mind Myelitis.

So it's true, I have got a Restless Mind.
If yes, then what more can I do?

Humble Lion 

Right Road

You are clever and I know wise as well.
They are stupids as well as foolish in hell.
As for me, I shall seek what to do.
Though you only thinks you know what to do.
Which is the right road, I don't know.
The road to eternal life is narrow, this I know.
I shall always seek for forgiveness.
For they belong to me, my joy and bitterness.
I can never share with you my testimony.
Or the journey to my destiny.

What you think is right can be wrong.
So live your life upright and be strong.
That which you think is life can be death.
And can lead you to the world beneath.
So brother and sister, get on the watch.
Clearing up to the very scratch.
Just get tough as the iron.
And be brave as the lion.
To fight for the right cause,
Be ready to offer all that is costs.

The evildoer shall get what he deserve.
As the righteous man shall observe.
The good people shall also be rewarded for their deeds.
As the Good Lord knows and shall provide their needs.
Never just believe anything as the fool.
But be honest and plain as the cotton wool.
A sensible man watches his steps.
Though his efforts maybe seem missteps.
Be careful and out of trouble, you stand.
Always follow the right road to that land.

What is more than the Kingdom of God?
That I seek but first in my trod?
Gold is less than knowledge.
For knowledge keeps hold of the edge.
Riches is nothing more than life.
Yes! I said there's nothing more than life.
To be happy, be generous all your ways.
For it's wrong to despise anyone anyway.
Speak the truth for the sake of righteousness.
Whenever you fall a victim or a witness.
You can save life without a bread.
Sometimes though it may cost your head.
It is obvious it's hard to trod the right road.


I am the champion.
Brave like that lion.
Strong as the iron.

Yes! Rock like the champion.
Breaking through the million.
Just to reach Jah Zion.

Keeping the fate forever.
Moving forward ever.
And grooving backward never.

The winner is always a freeman.
So he makes happy his woman.
And have no problem with no man.

His heart can never be drained.
Even if for long, it never rained.
For power and glory, he gained.

Wherever he goes, people are hailing his name.
As peace and love were his game.
And so no one has him to blame.

He is the champion of the time.
With one the greatest primes.
And having no relation with crime.

The champion is always hopeful.
That's why he is always truthful.
And whatever he does, is peaceful.

They are those who keep trying.
Though efforts maybe boring.
And hopes to keep the wheels turning.

I am proud to be the champion.
Rocking with positive vibrations.
Like I am on top of all perfections.

Life Is Today

Maybe you have lost many chances yesterday.
And so, you are wondering how shall tomorrow be like.
But I am telling you, today is your life.
So live as if it is your last day o earth.
Yesterday is gone and will never come return.
Then tomorrow also seems never to come.
And as for me, I can't afford losing today.
That's why I does all my things today.
As if there is never tomorrow to come.
Hearing the call of today,
Will make you help the destitute of the day.
For we all have but only today.

I am always asking myself to know.
If there is a real tomorrow at all.
For I see everyday but as today.
Yesterday is gone and tomorrow will never come.
So come on and lets act as if there's no other day to come.
Though opportunity might never knock at my door?
I know I must build my way anyway.
Life is today and not yesterday or tomorrow.
So I must do I can in all the ways and means I can.
Good things attracts God's blessings I know.
And so, do good to all the people you can.
Standing up for yourself makes your day.
For today is your life as life is today.

If we have a change to make,
We better stand upright for it now.
For the earlier we start the game,
The faster and better the result may be.
Life is an uncompetitive race.
Destined to the unknown place.
Raise high your heads and shine your eyes.
So to find the missing keys.
No! Waiting again will make you late.
So get up and stand for the fate.
Just endeavor not to lose today.
For your life is today.

The Same People

Look at him calm as the cat.
During the day, together we are.
But he is a nightmare in the dark.
Showing too much love during the day.
She gives me more than I need.
But when the night falls.
Her throat is thirsty for my blood.
They are the same people I loved.
And I calls them hypocrites.
Because of what they do.

Today, they show you more love.
And you give but affection in return.
Tomorrow, they will betray you.
Then you will understand the saying....
That it's your lover,
Who is your killer.
Before you, they hold smiles.
But in their hearts,
I see iron flames of hatred.
That makes me to wonder,
Who at all is to be trusted.
Now that I know they are the same people.

Some'll pretend they love you always.
Sometimes you'll think they care a lot about you.
But in actual fact,
They are those killing you.
A fact you can never believe.
Yet still! It's the truth.
That it's the same people,
Who claimed they love you.
That are striking you in your belly.
Killing you to die and rise no more.

Which direction do I go now?
What can I do now?
Now that my people have become parasites.
Ruining my entire personality.
Oh! What wrong have I done?
That there's no mercy for my plea?
And all my problems and affiliations,
Comes straight from my own people?
Who are the very same people,
Claiming they love me.

Forget what she says about him.
Never bother both about both of them.
Yes! My master said,
They are the same people are killing you.

Light Or Darkness?

Where do I belong?
Where mustn't I be destined?
The way to eternity, they say is of branches.
Life or death, love or hatred.
Peace or war, fights or harmony.
Narrow or wide, light or darkness?
Where do I belong?

Light or darkness,
I know am on the right side.
That is how I feel.
Yes! Good is good over evil.
What problem have i?
That I hide but do what is right?
Which you scorn me for.
But before people,
You wear sheep skin instead.
All I wanna know is,
Where do I belong?

Light or darkness,
I curse all hypocrisies.
And I bestowed honesty,
Onto the forth generations.
Visions, dreams, goals and aspirations,
All this I know belong to my side.
I just wish after my departure,
It shall clearly be known and seen,
As who I am.
Oh! Lord of mercy, show us the way.

Light or darkness!
Which one is right, I don't know.
Light! they say have nothing to hide.
But Darkness! I can't tell much.
Yes! For my eyes can't see what is in.
So now, which way is right?
Light or darkness.

My Poems

Amu Simon

Sometimes through life, we find ourselves in cases where we have to face certain realities. Though it gets too much sometimes, what we should know very well is that not all situations are permanent and that soon or later, the table turns. We also must know that the harder the battle, the more glorious the triumph. And so I have learned to endure pain for long even though the gain seems hopeless. So you can see who I am! Just one of the people who calls loneliness freedom. No political none interference just like me and that's all.
This site is mainly designed to enlighten you concerning what life in this world is all about. Which takes effect through a list of poems published here. They are all yours, feel free to copy and use them but mind you for good and favorable reasons.

Alright, that's just by the way. I am Simon Amu from Ghana in West Africa. I am 19 years old guy from the Volta Region of the country. Music interests me a lot and I even  have some lyrics for later processes.  I am concerned with the liberation of my people. Fighting down political, religious, educational, classical and any other barriers of humanity. That is me and that's what am a gonna do. It is only time and the Maker that can stop me. Until then, Jah shall surely be our guide.