Wednesday, 24 August 2011

My Poems

Amu Simon

Sometimes through life, we find ourselves in cases where we have to face certain realities. Though it gets too much sometimes, what we should know very well is that not all situations are permanent and that soon or later, the table turns. We also must know that the harder the battle, the more glorious the triumph. And so I have learned to endure pain for long even though the gain seems hopeless. So you can see who I am! Just one of the people who calls loneliness freedom. No political none interference just like me and that's all.
This site is mainly designed to enlighten you concerning what life in this world is all about. Which takes effect through a list of poems published here. They are all yours, feel free to copy and use them but mind you for good and favorable reasons.

Alright, that's just by the way. I am Simon Amu from Ghana in West Africa. I am 19 years old guy from the Volta Region of the country. Music interests me a lot and I even  have some lyrics for later processes.  I am concerned with the liberation of my people. Fighting down political, religious, educational, classical and any other barriers of humanity. That is me and that's what am a gonna do. It is only time and the Maker that can stop me. Until then, Jah shall surely be our guide.

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