Sunday, 10 May 2015

She is the Epitome of Wonder

She is the best mum no matter what,
Every now or then, bits her heart,
For her love and passionate care,
She is the epitome of wonder.

Folds of months dressed in pain,
Followed by several years of less gain,
She cared for you while the world starred,
She is the epitome of wonder.

The world needs her special kinds,
To generate many special minds.
She is the only one who replenishes.
And she is the epitome of wonder

Beauty is not much her pride,
To be made that popular bride
Character is her real concern,
She is the epitome of wonder.

There's one special thing about her,
She forgives and forgets all the while,
She is the image of a loving queen
She is the epitome of wonder

Happy Mother's Day
Amu K. Simon

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