Monday 15 May 2017

The Tales of a Street Youth

I was told to learn to make it on my own
And it is the realest thing I have ever known

They say I am at liberty to dream as big as the Milky Way
But then, I will have to pave my very own way

The street is not just my home; it's where I keep all what I own
It's where I have lived all my life; it's much more than a home

Many call me names to my credit and discredit
But I am less concerned about the script they edit

I have a different story to tell the generations to come.
I begun long time ago and this' how far I have come

From the getho where I was born and grown,
Where I have seen many slip down the throne

In my shoes on your way through the wilderness,
You have more to lose than to gain; so so bitterness

To make it in my world, you must be hundredth in a million
And to keep it, you must be a centurion

But these are not reasons enough for me to let go,
Especially, not while I still feel the need to flow

My case is not one you'll love to hear; not here
So I will keep the lid on the rest until a better year.

The Tales of a Street Youth

I was told to learn to make it on my own
And it is the realest thing I have ever known

They say I am at liberty to dream as big as the Milky Way
But then, I will have to pave my very own way

The street is not just my home; it's where I keep all what I own
It's where I have lived all my life; it's much more than a home

Many call me names to my credit and discredit
But I am less concerned about the script they edit

I have a different story to tell the generations to come.
I begun long time ago and this' how far I have come

From the getho where I was born and grown,
Where I have seen many slip down the throne

In my shoes on your way through the wilderness,
You have more to lose than to gain; so so bitterness

To make it in my world, you must be hundredth in a million
And to keep it, you must be a centurion

But these are not reasons enough for me to let go,
Especially, not while I still feel the need to flow

My case is not one you'll love to hear; not here
So I will keep the lid on the rest until a better year.

Sunday 14 May 2017


I am tired of your taunting stunts
Whether you mean them or not
Because they take away my look
And turn me into a nook kook

You make me want to use and lose
Every single bit of my blues to you
Even though you know how bad I feel
With your filths in my face like glues

Don't ever think I will lose my beauty
Not even when the lights are turned off
For I know but one very thing
Not even myself can take them away

Don't come again if you aren't ready
To make me feel that very way
Stop making me want even more
Of you and of your love away

I have waited but for too long
My friends say I need to be strong
So though the feeling is hurting,
I have long stopped regretting

The reflections I have seen of me
Before and short after you were gone
Tells me the future is uncertain
For those who'd lose hope in me

Guilty I know I have become
Of having faith in the things yet to come
Of loving the same things I should hate
And of being mixed up and quiet late

They say my veins aren't blue enough
To enter and dance in the club
So sometimes I clone my emotions
With my self-styled naked notions

It's not because I am scared of dying alone
I am just tired of talking on the phone
It's not because I am missing you home
I am just in love with the stones you throw

Don't send me flowers in summer
Don't send letters that you are a runner
My mirror can't stand your timeless annals
So please spare me your ruthless banal

Author Notes:
Inspired by happenings at Kpodola Writing Workshop during a session with Poetra Asantewaa.

By the Blood, Be Saved

Eternal life is the most precious commodity,
Everyone must try to afford however may
And there's no other way than through Christ
The Son of God who died for the sake of mankind

By the blood, we shall all attain salvation
Because He is been and still is in causation
For the brisk and utter fulfilment
Of the promises of the Father to His Nation

Though the world still ignore His calls
He's proven to be the Master of Patience
In Him, rest your faith, for a restore of fate
Because in no time, you may be late

He died long before He was killed
Soaked in His blood of innocence
And such was but for you and I
To partake in His Holy Covenant

He lived long before He was born
Entrusted with the treasures of heaven
He overcame death before principalities
He's Himself, a heavenly Monarchy

His love for those lost in search of peace
Should find you on your way down every lain
He is powerful but beyond contending
Yet, He became as Humble as the Lamb

And as we celebrate this Easter,
May we find happiness in the
May we come to learn of His unconditional love
And may we boldly emulate His every step

Without this, there may be no salvation
Not for you, for me nor for the nations
Because Christ is the only Name available
To deliver the world from its troubles

Simon K. Amu