Saturday 27 August 2011


These days are numbered
Things are getting worst
The world is turning around
People! Look around
And fix things right
For tonight is the last chance
For your prayer to be heard
Told you once already
That these days are numbered
And the old things are becoming the new
Behold I say onto you
That the Lord's Kingdom is at hand
His judgment is up next
There shall be no partiality
As all shall be judged accordingly
These are the days of King David
Proclaiming the Revelations
Those with hearing ears
Should listen and take action
And those with looking eyes
Should look and move along
For the end time is near
This world shall soon be no more
And there shall be another and new one
To replace the fading one
Yes! this is the Armageddon
Dividing the world into two
Hell and Heaven
Where do you belong?
Make the way now
Before it's too late

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