Wednesday 24 August 2011


Life is a journey.                                                     
And it’s of two ways they say.                                       
One very narrow.                                           
With few people plying it.
The other very wide With many people plying it.                                             
Now, what does it mean?                                   
What is so special about life?                           
Where do I go from here?                                   
Yes! Am talking about my destiny.

I believe in predestination.                                 
But then, can I rule my destiny?                             
Here on earth,                                                   
Where the multitude have gone astray.         
Not knowing where they are heading to. 
Some say heaven is after earth.                         
Some say it is the same place.                     
And that it will be called paradise.             
But still, I want to know my destiny.                 
To know where I will go from here.   

The poor man’s only problem is Poverty. 
The rich man’s only solution is riches.               
But then, can  this really be the answer?       
As for the soul,                                             
Vanity is it’s destruction.                                     
And I wish to know.                                                   
If heaven is my destiny.                                     
But as for hell,                                                     
I have long parted company with.

Where am I destined to be?                                   
I want to be good and not bad.                           
Kind and not otherwise.                                       
For I am living learning.                                       
The course of my destiny.                                     
Trying to see if I can rule it my own way.   
Yes! My destiny lies in my own hands.                       
So says the teachings of the Book.                         
And now I know.                                                     
My destiny is how I made it.                             
Rather than how someone may decide it.

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