Monday 24 October 2011

It's A Shame

Oh! Why all these fighting and fussing?   
Why not stop the killing?                                                                                       
It's a very big shame                                                                                              
To see brother fighting brother                                                                             
And sometimes, father against son                                                                           
I am very sorry it seems too late                                                                             
But then, we need to turn around                                                                           
Getting up to make a change                                                                                  
Yes! A change for betterment                                                                                  
Because it's a shame                                                                                                
How the human race is living                                                                             
This yoke must be broken                                                                                       
And we must recover all the lost                                                                         
That's why I wrote this poem                                                                                  
Just to inform you about                                                                                       
What brother Joseph said                                                                            
That it's a shame before the Almighty                                                              
To see the people fighting in the street

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