Monday 24 October 2011

To Face Reality

When I was a child,
My mum used to tell me
To be a man is not easy
I will have to toil very hard
Racking and cracking my brain
Fighting and never resting
Till I make a difference
So today when I look around
And she is no where to be found,
It becomes clearer and clearest
To me that,
It's time to face reality
No matter how hard it may seem
Mindless of how rough it can be
I must face it with courage
Yes! I must and I would
To face reality with hope
Even if it may cost me a lot
All I know is that,
I must be the one
The one that will break the chords
The chords of war
The chord of fruitlessness
And the chords of hopelessness
That's why I want to face reality
And to sow the seed
The seed of love, hope and righteousness
That's is me!

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