Thursday 25 August 2011

More To Say

Though am seating here today
As if I have got nothing to say
Or something to do
I am assuring you
That my time shall come
When I will make it known
What has long been hidden
From the wise and the prudent
And being revealed to the babies and the sucklings

There's more to say
About the way we live
About how you treated me
And about how to make things right
All I ask is
You promise me from your heart
Never to let me down in anyway
But to hold me still
Even if should have wronged you
Tell me more if you wish
For I know there's more to say

I wish to and will say it
But I desire to wait for a while
As I know it's not too late
To cause this revolution
My mind is turning like a spine
And am wondering about right and wrong
How to change the notion
As I move like a train in motion
There's more to say
But the right time is also yet to be due

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