Friday 2 September 2011

I Know

I know! 
Yes! I know!
That Jah is the King
He is the Supreme God
The Lord of lords
And the compassionate Father
I know Him
He created the universe
And every other things in existence
He rules creations
From generations to generations 
His love is perfect and unconditional 
He cares but for all
And I know this
I know Yes I know!
That my faith in Him is my shield
And that HE is everlasting
Who knows all things

I know!
That when my enemies rise to raid
My Lord shall be there for me
He shall lead against my million foes
So woe unto them my pursuers
For I have nothing to fear
As far as in Him I lay my trust
I know!
He shall bring to pass
All my dreams and expectations
And I wont wonder
Because I know!
That HE is the wonderful God
Come put up a chord
Between you and Him
And I promise
You shall never be the same
Believe me for I know!
He has done it severally 
And even much more He can do

I know!
Soon or later
There shall be revolution
And everything will soon change
I also know!
There is a place
Only the righteous can be
And another place
For those without destiny
Do you know?
That my destiny lies in Jah hand?
I know this!
And also I know that
The wicked shall be cast out 
For they can't stand the ground
Made for the righteous ones
I know and believed this
That your deed on earth today
Will determine your destiny tomorrow
So it's my duty to pave my way
Should in case you don't know
I know!
And I have written it
That you may read and know also

Now I know from THE BOOK
Also that,
"Love your neighbor as yourself" 
Is the greatest of all the commandments
For it covers all the others
Yes! I know this
That hatred is the root of all evils
For it is the beginning of sin 
I know you know more as well
So please just do the writing
And we shall read and know
What you know as I deed
By this my I KNOW POEM.

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